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CHANGES OF NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS AND CHANGES IN THE COMPOSITION OF BOARD COMMITTEESThe copyright owner of website reserves the rights of all the documents without any kind of authorization. All the information of the website is only for noncommercial and personal use. All the users mustn’t copy or publish any related document on internet or on any media. Without permission, the illegal copy, propagation, exhibition, image, uploading, downloading are prohibited. The copyright owner possesses the right to investigate transgressors’ legal liability legally.
Right owner reserves the right to modify contents of the website at any time without prior notice. Right owner doesn’t promise that all the information of website is absolutely correct, complete and the newest.
On the website, all the pictures, illustrations, perspectives, blueprints, models, descriptions, which don’t serve as real estate developer’s promises, are only for your reference.
Developer’s declaration: all the information of projects concerned must be approved by Chinese government. The commercial contract between buyer and seller must be legally signed by both sides.
In case of any clients’ loss related to the contents of the website, neither the right owner nor real estate developer takes any responsibility for the loss concerned.
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