People-oriented Philosophy

Occupational Health and Safety
Employee Management

Having established and improved the occupational health and safety management system, we strengthen the employee safety training, conduct regular inspections and maintenance, to create a safe and worry-free working environment through employee communication and diverse employee care and support activities.

Safety Management System

The Group complies with relevant laws and regulations on occupational health and safety management such as the Production Safety Law of the People's Republic of China , the Fire Protection Law of the People's Republic of China , and the Special Equipment Safety Law of the People's Republic of China . We have formulated various internal safety management rules such as the Measures for Supervision and Administration of Production Safety of Poly Property Group , the Working System of the Safety Production Committee of Poly Property Group , and the Comprehensive Emergency Plan for Production Safety Accidents of Poly Property Group . We comprehensively improve the safety production and occupational health management system, to ensure risk controllability and stable safety.
The Group has established an annual safety management standardization action checklist, and set up the Safety Management Committee. The leaders at all levels are required to take five safety management measures according to the plan, including annual training, inspections, hazard investigations, emergency drills, and accident reporting, and to supervise the rectification for major hazards. The persons in charge and the Safety Management Department are responsible for monthly inspections, meetings, emergency drills, archives management, and quarterly reporting, etc.
In 2023, the Group has preliminarily established the safety production management structure, to strongly support the efficient implementation of the safety management system. As of the end of the reporting period, Poly Property Management and Poly (Hong Kong) Property Management were certified by the ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management system.

Cultivation of Safety Awareness

In 2023, We organize various safety-related trainings, including safety emergency drills, Safety Production Month, and Fire Safety Month, to comprehensively improve employees' professional competence in occupational health and safety, to lay a solid foundation for the effective health and safety work, and to further consolidate the bottom line of safety.

Emergency Drills

In 2023, Poly Property organized various emergency drills on accidents or injuries including collapse of foundation pits, formwork and scaffolds, falling from high places, mechanical injury, fires, electric shocks, heatstroke etc. Through participation in the drills, our employees thoroughly learned about safety production knowledge and enhanced their safety awareness and skills of emergency response to accidents.

April 15 National Security Education Day Activities

In April 2023, Poly Property carried out a series of National Security Education Day (April 15) activities. We enhanced employees' safety awareness by designing online learning columns, posting national security publicity boards in office areas, watching national security publicity videos, visiting confidentiality education and training bases, organizing network security knowledge tests and special network security inspections, and other integrated interactive measures.

Poly Business and Tourism's "Safety Production Month" and "Fire Safety Month" Activities

In 2023, Poly Business and Tourism organized the "Safety Production Month" and "Fire Safety Month" activities, to create a cultural atmosphere of safety. The training contents covered rules, regulations, operating procedures, technical standards, and specifications. Throughout the year, Poly Business and Tourism organized 164 safety production training sessions, enhancing the safety awareness of 3,446 participants.

Flood Prevention Drill in Residential Areas

Watching National Security Publicity Videos

Poly Business and Tourism's "Safety Production Month" and "Fire Safety Month" Activities

Communication with Employees

The Group strictly adheres to the requirements of the Trade Union Law of the People's Republic of China, the Constitution of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions , the Work Regulations on Enterprise Trade Unions , and the Regulations on Democratic Management of Enterprises . We have formulated management rules such as the Implementation Measures for the Congress of Workers and Staff of Poly Property Group , the Implementation Measures of Poly Property Group for Strengthening Trade Union Management , and the Implementation Measures of Poly Property Group for Making Public Factory Affairs . We have improved the system of congress of workers and staff, actively exploring effective ways for staff participation in management.

We effectively safeguard the employees' rights to know, participate and express, improving the quality and effect of democratic management. Having opened channels for equal consultation and communication, we listen to the voices of employees through heart-to-heart talks, visits and surveys, symposiums, online opinion collection, and complaint boxes. Besides, we have set up a chairman's mailbox at the headquarters to further facilitate communication with staff.

Care for Employees

The Group attaches importance to balancing employees' work and life, and have established and improved an employee service and care system. We organize diverse employee assistance and cultural and sports activities, to enhance employees' sense of belonging to the Company, and to create a harmonious, warm and happy working environment.

In 2023, we helped nine employees in need through the Poly Love Fund, and distributed the subsidies of RMB58,450. Besides, we helped employees' children enroll in nearby schools in Golden Autumn Student Aid program.

Celebrating International Women's Day with Various Activities in Fragrant and Beautiful March

During the reporting period, the Group organized the female employee care publicity activities themed by "female strength", and trade unions at all levels organized various themed activities to enrich the cultural life of female employees and demonstrated their enthusiasm for life, upward spirit, and outstanding style. This series of activities demonstrated the spirit of "self-respect, self-confidence, self-reliance and self-improvement" of women in the new era, aiming to enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of the Group.

Maintaining Love and Sparing No Effort - 2023 Yangtze River Delta Fun Sports Meeting

We held the 2023 Yangtze River Delta Fun Sports Meeting. As an important part of corporate culture improvement themed by "Poly, My Hometown", this sports meeting not only strengthened communication between cadres and employees, but also enhanced the cohesion, elevated spirits, and deepened friendships, demonstrating the spirit and style of Poly Property people striving for progress.

Trade Union Interest Groups

The trade union of the Group has established multiple interest groups of yoga, badminton, basketball, football and so on to create a healthy, civilized, and positive employee culture atmosphere. Each region also has established cultural and sports groups and organized various cultural and sports activities such as running, friendly basketball matches, badminton competitions, etc., to create a warm "Poly Hometown".

Upholding the core values of "Responsibility First, Development Foremost", the Group actively safeguards employees' rights and interests, provides a sound remuneration and benefit system, and creates an equal and inclusive working environment. We have established a broad platform for talent development, regularly carry out various activities to send warmth and care to our employees, hoping to further enhance their sense of happiness and belonging.

Employment Compliance

The Group strictly adheres to the laws and regulations of the country and all regions of operation, establishing and optimizing various management systems to regulate the requirements for employee recruitment and employment.

The Group has not experienced any incidents involving the employment of child labor or forced labor.
We comply with relevant regulations, including the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors and the Provisions on the Prohibition of Using Child Labor, requiring all subsidiaries to refrain from hiring child labor. We also avoid the employment of child labor through the establishment of standardized and rigorous recruitment and daily employee management systems. Additionally, we strictly prohibit forced labor by law. Should any suspected cases arise, an immediate investigation will be initiated, and if forced labor is suspected, it will be handled in accordance with the law.
The Group has not experienced any incidents involving the employment of child labor or forced labor.

Diversity and Inclusiveness

Following the principle of diversity and inclusiveness, we resolutely eliminate any discriminatory behaviors during the employee recruitment and development process due to any reasons related to age, religious beliefs, nationality, marital status, race, skin color, ethnicity, physical conditions, gender identity, etc.

Remuneration and Benefits

The Group complies with all relevant laws and regulations and strictly enforces national and local social security mechanisms. By establishing a scientifically sound and comprehensive compensation and incentive system, we provide employees with competitive salaries to attract and retain talent, ensuring the mutual benefit of the company and its employees. For employees performing the same work, exerting equal effort, and achieving the same results, we are committed to offering equal pay and benefits.
In addition, we provide employees with a comprehensive benefit protection system, and continuously increase and optimize employee benefits and care measures, to enable them to work with more comfort at ease.
Statutory Benefits

The Company pays the endowment insurance, unemployment insurance, medical insurance, work injury insurance, maternity insurance, and housing provident fund for employees.

Our subsidiaries may allocate additional benefits such as annuities and supplementary housing fund according to their own economic conditions.

Company Benefits

The Company provides dining services;

Provides transportation and communication allowances to employees.

Provides festival allowances for the Spring Festival, New Year's Day, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, etc.; and

Organizes diverse and informative cultural and sports activities.

Training and Development

The Group is committed to establish a comprehensive talent cultivation system, develop a tailored career development plan for each employee and clarify their career development path. By constantly optimizing the management system that covers the entire lifecycle of talent development, and building a diverse learning platform, we hope to enrich talent reserves and enhance talent specialization, so as to lay a solid talent foundation for the high-quality development of the Company.

Poly Property's New Employee Training Themed by "Pursuing Excellence for a Better Future" in 2023

In October 2023, Poly Property held the new employee training themed by "Pursuing Excellence for a Better Future", to help new employees deepen their understanding of the Company's strategy, management requirements and cultural concepts, integrate into the organization and team, and enhance their integrity awareness. The headquarters and subsidiaries of Poly Property organized the training both online and offline, benefiting about 200 new employees. During the training, new employees from the headquarters in Shanghai visited the Poly Property Brand Pavilion and other benchmark projects, personally feeling the dedication and pursuit of Poly people in "Creating Classic Landmarks for the City with Craftsmanship". We constantly enrich talent reserves for the Company's sustainable development.

New employees visit benchmark projects

Zhejiang Poly Property's "Elite Training Program" for Project Managers

In March 2023, Elite Program held the first workshop of the "Elite Training Program" in 2023. To meet the strategic development needs, the Company conducted the special training on the project manager competency and quality models, improvement of their political literacy, and bottleneck problems in project implementation, to enhance the core competitiveness of project managers.

2023 Project Manager " Elite Training Program” of Zhejiang Poly Property

Shandong Poly Property's "Leadership Training Program" for Middle Management

In October 2023, Shandong Poly Property launched the "Leadership Training Program" for middle management, and the trainees systematically learned training courses such as Product Competitiveness Enhancement Leaming and Overall Roles and Five Key Tasks of Project, Through various forms such as rapid answering ingroups and case study discussions, we helped the core personnel master more scientific management logics, tools and methods and continuously improve their adaptability to industry changes.

"Leadership Training Program" for Middle Management of Shandong Poly Property

Guizhou Poly Property - "Management Quality Improvement and Empowerment" Training Program

Guizhou Poly Property organized core personnel to receive the "Management Quality Improvement and Empowerment" training, which deepened managers' understanding of personnel management knowledge and skills through diverse training methods, and further enhanced the comprehensive management quality of management personnel.

Management Quality Improvement and Empowerment Training of Guizhou Poly Property