Shared Success

Responsible Supply Chain
Practicing Social Responsibility

The Group has established a supply chain management process throughout the life cycle, and incorporated ESG factors into supplier access and management. By strengthening responsible supply chain management and sustainable procurement management, we hope to maintain the sustainability of the value chain.

Supplier Management System

The Group strictly abides by the Tendering and Bidding Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulations for the Implementation of the Tendering and Bidding Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulation on the Implementation of the Tendering and Bidding Law of the People's Republic of China , the Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China , and other laws and regulations. We have formulated a series of internal management rules and measures such as the Tender Management System of Poly Property Group , the Supplier Management System of Poly Property Group , and the Supplier Management System for Centralized Procurement of Poly Property Group . Through relevant rules and regulations, we clarify the management behaviors and processes of the supplier selection, evaluation, and graded management throughout the life cycle, striving to establish a dynamic supply chain management mechanism of selection, cooperation, cultivation, and evaluation.

Supplier selection

For different types of suppliers, we have established special supplier access inspection standards to select qualified suppliers according to multiple factors such as qualifications, products, quality, and benchmark performance, so as to reserve enough outstanding suppliers.

Supplier Evaluation

We comprehensively evaluate the suppliers’ performance in preliminary design coordination, contract signing construction (or scheduling and supply), acceptance and after-sales service, to improve their fulfillment capability and service quality and optimize supplier management.

Graded Management of suppliers

According to annual comprehensive supplier evaluation results, we classify suppliers as excellent, good, qualified, or unqualified suppliers, and provide different project selection methods and contract quotas for different levels of suppliers.
Incentive Mechanism
We commend and reward excellent suppliers to stimulate and maintain their enthusiasm.
Exit Mechanism
We eliminate unqualified suppliers and continuously optimize the supplier resource pool and ensure the overall quality of the supply chain.

Sustainable Procurement

We have incorporated labor rules, occupational health and safety, product quality, environmental protection, anti-corruption, business ethics, and other ESG performance into the selection and evaluation of suppliers to ensure the compliance of procurement, reduce supply chain risks, and actively promote sustainable procurement.

ESG Management of Suppliers

The Group has formulated and publicized the Supplier Code of Conduct of Poly Property Group , requiring the suppliers to sign the Commitment to Comply with the Supplier Code of Conduct of Poly Property Group . We have extended the ESG concept to all upstream and downstream links of the supply chain to improve the suppliers’ sustainability performance. We select suppliers according to their ESG performance, requiring them to provide ESG management system certificates, including but not limited to the certificates of credit rating, quality management, environmental management, occupational health and safety management, etc. Through interviews, investigations, inspections and other manners, we understand the suppliers' status quo, management systems, operating procedures, rewards and punishments, etc. Meanwhile, we strengthen the evaluation and analysis of the suppliers' performance in management and social responsibility fulfillment, endeavoring to improve their sustainability.

Integrity Management

We attach importance to the commitment and review of fairness and integrity in the business transactions, continuously advancing transparent procurement. The suppliers must provide the Business Integrity Commitment for access approval. During the contract signing stage, both parties must sign the Business Integrity Agreement and the Transparency Declaration on Marketing, Procurement, and Tendering as necessary attachments to the contract. Adhering to the principle of "compliance and integrity, prevention first, fairness and impartiality, openness and transparency", we have established a blacklist of suppliers in terms of integrity management according to the Supplier Integrity Blacklist Management Measures of China Poly Group . We strictly implement the joint punishment mechanism of "Multiple restrictions for one violation" for suppliers in the blacklist, and improve the supplier integrity management and supervision system to standardize their integrity practices.

Green Procurement

We practice the concept of green procurement and prioritize the purchase of green products with sustainable certification, low consumption, low energy consumption, pollution-free, and multi-functionality. We guide our suppliers to actively improve product quality and environmental performance, continuously reduce potential environmental risks, and promote the green development of the entire industry chain.

Communication and Training

Valuing communication and exchange with the suppliers, the Group maintains good cooperative relationships with them by actively providing support and assistance. Through various channels, we communicate with the suppliers in a timely manner, focusing on quality, health and safety, sustainable development, etc. We actively organize supplier training and rectification, and help them strengthen capacity building, to achieve win-win cooperation.

Supplier Conference Themed by "Jointly Building for a Better Future While Upholding Integrity"

In order to strengthen communication and mutual trust with suppliers and deepen quality awareness and fulfillment spirit, Shanghai Poly Property held the 2023 Supplier Conference themed by "Jointly Building for a Better Future While Upholding Integrity" in January 2024. We made clear the control requirements for engineering, cost, and design, and commended outstanding suppliers. We have achieved in-depth communication, joint progress, and win-win cooperation with suppliers.

Poly Youth Ambition

In 2021, Poly Property officially launched the charity event “Poly Youth Ambition”. It led 9 young people from the mountains to leave the mountains and embark on a dream trip to Beijing, and donated to build "Poly Art Classroom" and "Poly Dream Library" at a school in Ceheng County, Guizhou. In 2022, when event “Poly Youth Ambition - Classroom for Remote Areas” was carried out, 11 dream mentors from all over the country traveled over 9300 kilometers to bring humanities, art, and ideal enlightenment courses to 66 children in the remote mountain areas. In 2023, for the first time, it collaborated with the "Poly Spark Education Fund" and set up the "Poly Youth Ambition - Spark Education Fund" in seven designated counties nationwide, donating a total of 2.1 million yuan and covering 1289 teachers and students, consolidating the achievements of poverty alleviation and laying an important foundation for talent and cultural revitalization.

Community Feedback

The Group is committed to creating values for the community, and actively establishes close ties with community residents, and understands their needs and expectations, providing corresponding support and assistance. Besides, we encourage employees to actively participate in community giving back activities, hoping to cultivate their sense of social responsibility and civic consciousness.

Youth Volunteer Service Activity of Learning from Lei Feng Themed by "Learning the Spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party and Embarking on A New Journey

In March 2023, Shanghai Poly Property organized the Youth Volunteer Service Activity of Learning from Lei Feng themed by Learning the Spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party and Embarking on A New Journey". Youth volunteers visited welfare homes to provide condolences and gifts to the elderly, which reduced their sense of loneliness and enhanced their happiness, while further carrying forward the volunteer spirit of "dedication, friendship, mutual assistance and progress".

The 6th Charity Hiking for Autism

In April 2023, Jiangsu Poly Property, in collaboration with the Sunflower Children's Service Center and other organizations, organized the Large-scale Charity Hiking for Autism themed by "Lighting up the Starry Sky, and Spreading Love". This event deepened our public service branding, and increased social attention to the autism groups, helping them better integrate into society.

Youth League Day Activity and Minority Youth “Hand in Hand” Exchange Activity Themed by “Enhancing Sense of Community of the Chinese Nation”

In 2023, league members and young minority employees of Guangxi Poly Property visited an ethnic village, where they experienced the diversity of Guangxi's culture, promoted the concept of ethnic unity to primary school students, and enhanced the cultural confidence and patriotism of young league members, guiding young people to enhance cultural recognition and ethnic unity awareness.

"National Security Education Day“ Promotion Volunteer Service Activity

During the "Poly Fun Run" in Guangxi in April 2023, we organized a unique National Security Knowledge Frisbee Fun Quiz activity, spreading security knowledge to homeowners, employees and the public in a relaxed and funny way. This "National Security Education Day" event effectively enhanced everyone’s awareness of national security and the consensus of the whole nation in safeguarding national security.

Public Welfare Activity of Donating and Recycling Idle Clothing Themed by “Contributing to Public Welfare Undertakings with Love"

In 2023, Jiangsu Poly Property, together with caring homeowners, launched the public welfare activity of donating and recycling idle clothing themed by "Contributing to Public Welfare Undertakings with Love", spreading warmth and love to children in impoverished mountainous areas.

Volunteer Actions

We actively participate in the construction of better communities by carrying out volunteer activities. Our volunteers provide volunteer services in communities, and fulfill corporate social responsibilities through practical actions, giving care and help to more people.

Supporting the Construction of the Activity Center for the Elderly in Maimianqiao Village, Jishigang Town

In February 2023, Zhejiang Poly Property donated fitness equipment, entertainment facilities, air purifiers, and other items to the Activity Center for the Elderly in Maimianqiao Village, Jishigang Town. Through this donation, we provided material assistance to the elderly, but also made villagers feel the warmth and care from the Group.

Volunteer Service Activity of Tree Planting on March 12

In March 2023, we held the volunteer service activity of tree planting, further enhancing environmental protection awareness of employees, practicing the concept of green development and contributing to the ecological civilization construction with "Poly Power".

Action of "Protecting Winter Elves" Black-headed Gulls Protection in Kunming

In 2023, Yunnan Poly Property organized the Action of "Protecting Winter Elves" black-headed gulls protection in Haigeng Dam, Kunming, and representatives of young league members of various departments took part in this themed activity. The volunteers actively publicized knowledge about the protection of black-headed gulls to citizens and tourists, raising their awareness of protecting black-headed gulls.

Activity of Condolences to Migrant Workers Themed by “Volunteer Service at Construction Sites"

In March 2023, Guizhou Poly Property launched the activity of condolences to migrant workers themed by "Volunteer Service at Construction Sites". Our youth volunteers presented lunches to hardworking workers at the construction site, and publicizing preventive measures against H1N1 influenza during mealtime.

Public Welfare Activity of “Reading and Sharing Books in Community"

In April 2023, Guangdong Poly Property held the public welfare activity of "Reading and Sharing Books in Community", calling for community residents to read good books with skills. During this month-long charity event, we donated more than 400 books of various types and set up a "Culture Station" at the Community Party and Mass Service Center. We regularly arrange volunteers to provide volunteer services to improve the modern public cultural service system.